Toys Worth Buying

Toys Worth Buying

First things first: the classics never get old. Just like Led Zepplin and AC/DC, barbells and bumper plates NEVER go out of style. When you have both, there’s really not much else you need in terms of training tools—but if you’re jonesing to add something new to your training room, it’s easy to get bogged down by whatever latest Thing is new/fancy/trendy. When it comes to what’s best for your athletes, it’s hard to determine which tools will ensure you’re getting the most out of your time AND the most out of your money. Below are a few items I've found to be really worth the price and can be used on any given training day. These items are also incredibly accommodating to ALL skill levels and can fit the needs of your most advanced to your most rookie of athletes.

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Why the Front Squat is Your Best Friend: Part 1

Why the Front Squat is Your Best Friend: Part 1

Squats are incredible. This is NOT a topic up for debate. Squats are a foundational cog in the human movement machine and are a key element in any athlete's developmental toolbox. Squat properly across the range of squatting movements (i.e. back squats, split squats, etc.), and you will see increases in stability, mobility, strength, and power. No ifs, ands, or butts about it (see what I did there??). But while the back squat gets credited as the King of All Exercises, I believe there's a dark horse of squatting variations that deserves some recognition: the front squat.

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Quick Fix: Get a Pair of Weightlifting Shoes

Quick Fix: Get a Pair of Weightlifting Shoes

If you do not own a pair of weightlifting shoes, LISTEN UP—because this might just blow your mind. Training on a Volt program means that you will be performing squats (hell yes), Olympic lifts, and a downright plethora of multi-plane, free-weight movements. And believe it or not, standard running or basketball shoes are NOT optimal footwear for this type of training. Do you know what type of footwear IS optimal? 

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The Half Squat is DEAD

The Half Squat is DEAD

Time to beat a dead horse. Half-squats are bad. If you are serious about training, your squats should be breaking parallel every time . It's a matter of efficiency and even safety. I'm not assaulting your character if you lack the mobility required for the hips to reach necessary depth, but if you aren't taking the steps to improve that mobility then you're probably not invited to my birthday party (it's okay, no one shows up anyway).

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Bodyweight Training for Foundation + Performance

Bodyweight Training for Foundation + Performance

Training for athletic performance involves utilizing barbells, moving heavy weight, and bringing a warrior-like intensity to the weight room every day. And as much as I love writing about all of those things, there is another particular training method that deserves its day in the sun. Bodyweight training.

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