Announcing: V2 Upgrades!

In November, Volt announced the release of our revolutionary V2 Platform. Since then, we have received a ton of great feedback from our Volt Family of strength coaches, sport coaches, athletes, athletic trainers, administrators, and parents. We listened to your comments and suggestions,  and we’ve been hard at work making V2 even better!

I am proud to announce a very important update to the V2 platform. Make sure you check out what’s new:

1. Improved User Experience

Our updated interface makes managing your team’s sport-specific training easier than ever. With V2, we thought about how you navigate your training calendar, manage your roster, and interact with your training program. This update gives you more insight into how your training works. You now have the ability to see your periodized calendar laid out visually for the entire year, interact with beautiful graphs that track your athletes’ progress, and preview workouts right from the calendar view.

2. Training Flexibility

The V2 platform offers unique coach flexibility. Athletes on the same team can train on any number of different programs. Coaches can swap movements in and out of ANY training program to accommodate equipment, injuries, or simply movement preference. This update includes multiple-program optimizations to ensure your Volt program is, well, YOUR program! 

3. All-Around Athlete Training

Working with around 2,000 teams and 40,000 athletes means we have a lot of multi-sport athletes training on Volt. We are dedicated to delivering proven, sport-specific training to athletes worldwide, and now every Volt team receives a comprehensive “All-Around Athlete” program in addition to their sport-specific programs — absolutely free. This balanced training plan combines research-based strength and conditioning principles into one all-encompassing program, to cover all your multi-sport athletes. 

I can’t wait to hear what you think of this update! Here at Volt HQ, we are always innovating new ways to deliver the best training possible. As more updates come your way, I’ll be sure to to let you know. And, as always, if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, make sure to contact your friendly Volt Support Specialist and let us know! Welcome to the next chapter of V2 training, and thanks for your role in helping make Volt even better.

Join over 100,000 coaches and athletes using Volt's intelligent training app. For more information, click here.


Dan Giuliani, MSAL, CSCS, RSCC, is a regular contributor to the Volt blog. He is a certified strength coach, a co-founder of Volt Athletics, and an adjunct professor of Sports Performance at the University of Washington.
Learn more about Dan and read his other posts | @DanGiuliani