Biggest Mistakes Coaches Make in the Weight Room

Biggest Mistakes Coaches Make in the Weight Room

This series will illustrate some of the most common mistakes we see sport coaches make in the weight room. If you are a strength coach reading this, you will very likely cringe/laugh/cry because you have seen all of this stuff too many times already. If you are a sport coach making these mistakes…well, you’re very likely to be offended. Sorry (a little bit)! But enough with the prefacing…on to the first mistake! 

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Quad Talk with Christye

Quad Talk with Christye

Back by popular demand, it’s Body Talk with Christye! This series of posts is dedicated to the unsung heroes of your muscular system. They are the pillars of proper biomechanical movement, the behind-the-scenes champions of pain-free athletic performance – if your body were the Hunger Games, these muscles would volunteer as tribute. 

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Why the Front Squat is Your Best Friend: Part 1

Why the Front Squat is Your Best Friend: Part 1

Squats are incredible. This is NOT a topic up for debate. Squats are a foundational cog in the human movement machine and are a key element in any athlete's developmental toolbox. Squat properly across the range of squatting movements (i.e. back squats, split squats, etc.), and you will see increases in stability, mobility, strength, and power. No ifs, ands, or butts about it (see what I did there??). But while the back squat gets credited as the King of All Exercises, I believe there's a dark horse of squatting variations that deserves some recognition: the front squat.

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Butt Talk with Christye

Butt Talk with Christye

All my clients know I'm obsessed with their butts. Not like THAT, but in a (totally normal) clinical focus on the function of their gluteals. My signature catchphrase in the gym is, "SQUEEZE YOUR BUTT!" or "STICK YOUR BUTT OUT!" or basically anything else involving butts. But I've got a good reason to be obsessed with butts! Your butt muscles are not only SUPER IMPORTANT for your performance as an athlete, but also your ability to function as a human. The buttocks, as we know them, are made up of three different glute muscles: gluteus maximus, gluteus minimus, and the gluteus medius. The glamorous glute max gets a lot of attention (and songs written about it), probably since it's the largest muscle in the entire body, but the glute med often sneaks under the radar -- and I'm here to change that.

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Quick Fix: Get a Pair of Weightlifting Shoes

Quick Fix: Get a Pair of Weightlifting Shoes

If you do not own a pair of weightlifting shoes, LISTEN UP—because this might just blow your mind. Training on a Volt program means that you will be performing squats (hell yes), Olympic lifts, and a downright plethora of multi-plane, free-weight movements. And believe it or not, standard running or basketball shoes are NOT optimal footwear for this type of training. Do you know what type of footwear IS optimal? 

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