Peak Performance Starts with Quality Sleep: Unveiling the Science of Sleep Hygiene for Athletes

Peak Performance Starts with Quality Sleep: Unveiling the Science of Sleep Hygiene for Athletes

Athletes seeking peak performance must not overlook the critical role of quality sleep. This blog explores the intersection of sleep hygiene and athletic success, highlighting essential factors like nutrition, environment, and circadian rhythms. Discover how simple changes in daily routines can significantly enhance sleep quality and, in turn, improve athletic outcomes.

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Optimizing Muscle Recovery: A Guide to Nutrient-Rich Foods

Optimizing Muscle Recovery: A Guide to Nutrient-Rich Foods

Muscle recovery is a critical component of any effective fitness regimen, pivotal in unlocking peak performance and achieving fitness goals. Yet, amidst the fervor of exercise routines, the role of proper nutrition in this process often goes overlooked.

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How Ditching Carbs Can Hurt You

How Ditching Carbs Can Hurt You

Carbs have been demonized and labeled as “the enemy,” “fattening,” and “inflammatory,” among others. With the aid of fear mongering media reports and articles directing people to avoid carbs, we have become a society in fear of bread, grains, and even fruit and certain vegetables.

The truth, as supported by the vast majority of the professional nutrition and dietetics community, is that carbohydrates are an essential component of a balanced, healthy diet.

So, before you kick carbs to the curb, let’s take a look at why they are important to health, performance, and well-being.

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The Importance of Nutrition for Mental Health and Performance

The Importance of Nutrition for Mental Health and Performance

The significance of mental health has traditionally been downplayed, especially when compared to physical health and the need to perform well. Let me start by saying that this perspective can be very misleading. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. In fact, your mental health can greatly impact your physical health.

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Nutrition and Recovery: Tips from the Dallas Cowboys Director of Sports Performance

Nutrition and Recovery: Tips from the Dallas Cowboys Director of Sports Performance

Volt’s Dr. Joe Eisenmann sat down Scott Sehnert, the Director of Sports Performance for the Dallas Cowboys. The two talked about nutrition and recovery for the high school athlete, including Sehnert’s top three tips for fueling properly.

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4 Dimensions of Athlete Development, Part 3: Nutrition

“You can’t out train a bad diet…” Athletes that focus purely on weight training and ignore nutrition won’t see the results on the court, field, or in the pool that they would like. Therefore, athletes (and coaches) need to dive into nutrition education in order to see the gains they need when it comes to performance.

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4 Recovery Tips for Optimal Performance

4 Recovery Tips for Optimal Performance

We all know that lounging around on the couch is the best way to recover from a training session or sporting event, right? WRONG! In fact, if you've been consistently working hard but not getting the results you want, you should consider spending as much effort recovering as you do training. Here are 4 quick tips to help you optimize your recovery so you can attack your next session.

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Are Pure-Protein Meals and Ketogenic Diets Good for Athletes?

Are Pure-Protein Meals and Ketogenic Diets Good for Athletes?

We've all come across athletes who pound back a protein shake, only to head home to eat nothing but chicken breast and beef for the rest of the day. While we know that protein is important for athletes, is there such a thing as too much protein? Mike Bewley, Georgia Tech strength coach and sports nutritionist extraordinaire, explains why pure-protein meals and ketogenic diets may actually be causing athletes more harm than good.

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