Building the Habit: Four Strategies for Improving Training Consistency

Getting athletes to take lifting seriously is often easier said than done. Without any interest in the process, there is little you can do besides patiently wait for their minds to change. Making athletes do something they don’t want to do only leads to a stronger aversion to that specific activity. The introduction of training places a challenge on pre-existing habits and routines, and can be frustrating to break if they aren’t conducive to the new demand of training. The creation of new habits, routines, and environments will be necessary for the success of your training program. Inside, you’ll see four strategies to help athletes build habits that support consistent and committed strength training.

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Introducing the Volt Demo

We founded Volt Athletics to put elite-level training in the hands of coaches and athletes everywhere. With that goal, we aim to take every team to the next level through science-backed training and personalized goals that drive results in the weight room and in competition.

Since we launched Volt, curious coaches have asked to take the platform for a spin and see for themselves what our technology has to offer. Now, with the launch of our brand-new (and totally free) demo, every coach everywhere can explore Volt’s world-class training platform on their own time.

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Building Interest and Commitment

Most coaches in the sporting world agree that weight training offers massive benefits to athletes. However, from the perspective of a young athlete stepping into the weight room for the first time, it can be difficult to accept the type of commitment it will take to see the benefits of strength training. To be fair, from an athlete’s point of view, it makes sense! If that’s the case…how should you, as a coach, build interest and commitment in the weight room?

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4 Dimensions of Athlete Development, Part 3: Nutrition

“You can’t out train a bad diet…” Athletes that focus purely on weight training and ignore nutrition won’t see the results on the court, field, or in the pool that they would like. Therefore, athletes (and coaches) need to dive into nutrition education in order to see the gains they need when it comes to performance.

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4 Dimensions of Athletic Development, Part 2: Performance

4 Dimensions of Athletic Development, Part 2: Performance

If athletes are high-performance sports cars, then strength coaches are the mechanics: the weight room is our garage, and the practice court is our test track. And just as sports cars need test runs and consistent evaluation to optimize performance, so too do our student athletes. In this second article in a 4-part series on athletic development, Clemson strength coach Kaitlyn Cunningham shares how she tests and evaluates athlete performance—along with practical applications for using that data to construct effective training.

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4 Dimensions of Athlete Development, Part 1: Mental/Cultural

4 Dimensions of Athlete Development, Part 1: Mental/Cultural

“By putting the student-athletes in positions to lead and receive constructive feedback, we saw immediate results.” Clemson strength coach Kaitlyn Cunningham knows that well-rounded athlete development starts with the mental and cultural component. In this first article in a 4-part series, Coach Cunningham shares some DI wisdom on how to cultivate accountability, foster responsibility, and empower her athletes to depend on one another.

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Cortex: The World’s First Performance Training AI

Cortex: The World’s First Performance Training AI

We founded Volt Athletics to put elite-level training in the hands of athletes everywhere. Each day, our team at Volt HQ works tirelessly to build technology that democratizes access to purposeful, intelligent workouts. We envision a world where everyone, regardless of wealth or talent, has access to incredible training. Today, I’m thrilled to announce a major leap forward towards realizing that vision: the introduction of Cortex™, our revolutionary new performance training AI.

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The NSCA Foundations of Coaching Lifts Course, Powered by Volt

The NSCA Foundations of Coaching Lifts Course, Powered by Volt

Volt is proud to power the National Strength and Conditioning Association's new hands-on course for coaches: The Foundations of Coaching Lifts Course. This course is designed to equip coaches with the practical tools they need to properly coach athletes in foundational weightlifting movements. Scott Caulfield, Coaching Education Manager and Head Strength Coach at the NSCA, shares details on the course—and how Volt Family coaches can receive a 50% discount on registration!

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