4 Recovery Tips for Optimal Performance

4 Recovery Tips for Optimal Performance

We all know that lounging around on the couch is the best way to recover from a training session or sporting event, right? WRONG! In fact, if you've been consistently working hard but not getting the results you want, you should consider spending as much effort recovering as you do training. Here are 4 quick tips to help you optimize your recovery so you can attack your next session.

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How to Use Volt’s Training Extras

How to Use Volt’s Training Extras

In addition to your sport-specific strength training plan, our Sport Performance team created a library of Training Extras you can use to enhance and customize your training. These routines are entirely optional — whether you choose to use them, and how you choose to implement them, is completely up to you. This article will guide you through how to use these extras to most effectively.

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Volt Training Philosophy: No Failure, No Exhaustion

Volt Training Philosophy: No Failure, No Exhaustion

Athletes accustomed to feeling 100% exhausted at the end of a workout are often surprised by Volt's scientific approach to sport performance — and even more surprised when it works. This article is intended to equip you with the "whys" behind Volt's training philosophy, so you can help educate your athletes and increase their buy-in to Volt.

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3 Reasons You Need to Provide Your Female Athletes with Quality Training

3 Reasons You Need to Provide Your Female Athletes with Quality Training

Female participation in sports in America has skyrocketed since the 1970s. But what about participation in strength training programs? If you're not providing quality strength and conditioning for your female athletes, here are 3 reasons why you should. Nearly half of all Volt teams are female, so we asked some Volt coaches to share firsthand what quality training has done for their female athletes. Read on to learn more.

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The Importance of a Flexible Training Program

The Importance of a Flexible Training Program

If you want to train athletes safely and effectively for performance, your program MUST be flexible. This is why static programs just don't work for athletes. Period. Volt Advisory Board members Patrick McHenry and Mike Nitka weigh in on the importance of a dynamic, nimble training program, and why rigid, off-the-shelf plans just don't cut it.

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3 Rules for Testing Your Athletes

3 Rules for Testing Your Athletes

Testing your athletes is crucial for implementing a successful strength and conditioning program. After all, how else will you know if your program is working?! But to obtain the most accurate and objective data, there are a few important rules to follow. Coach Christye explains the 3 most important rules to remember when testing your athletes, to help you get the most out of your data.

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5 Tips to Break Through Losing Streaks

5 Tips to Break Through Losing Streaks

Every athlete will go through a period when they find themselves in a slump. Vince Spadea once lost 21 straight matches on the pro tour. Aratxa Rus lost in the first round in 17 straight tournaments at one point in her career (ouch!). So how do you break out of this losing trend? Guest author, Brandyn Fisher, PhD., provides some sports psychology insights on how to overcome a losing streak.

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