A Girl's Guide to Pull-Ups
/Back in October 2012, the New York Times published a controversial article that just about blew up the blogosphere. It was called, “Why Women Can’t Do Pull-Ups.” But we're going to prove them wrong!
Read MoreBack in October 2012, the New York Times published a controversial article that just about blew up the blogosphere. It was called, “Why Women Can’t Do Pull-Ups.” But we're going to prove them wrong!
Read MoreWith enough training time under your belt, the gains seem to get harder and harder to come by. Eventually you'll have to implement more variation into your training to continue driving adaptation. If you haven't hit a PR on the squat in a while, a few specific squat variations can help you continue to improve without altering your training too much or interfering with your current program. The variations below are easily implemented and can be just what you need to mix up your training stimuli.
Read MoreSquats—or, if you’re Coach Jace, “skwatz”—are arguably the most fundamental movement in your training repertoire. When done correctly, the back squat recruits every muscle of the posterior chain, takes your hips and knees through their full range of motion (ROM), and can be performed by anyone who can sit down in a chair. So whether you are a quarterback or a cross-country skier or Beyoncé or my mother (who recently did her very first set of back squats!), you will benefit from squatting heavy and often. It’s science. Got squats on your docket today? Try these three easy tips to squat deeper, heavier, and with more confidence—right now!
Read MoreIn this "Tools of the Trade" series, we highlight important training tools, methods, and protocols to help improve performance and health. This post focuses on the quintesential staple of relative strength, upper-back development, and proper shoulder function: Pull-Ups.
Read MoreTime for a super sexy blog topic: the soleus muscle! It’s really more of a sexiness-by-comparision, since an injured soleus can cause shin splints, Achilles tendonitis, plantar faciitis, and tibial stress fractures—none of which I find sexy at all. AT ALL.
Read MoreIn this "Tools of the Trade" series, we highlight important training tools, methods, and protocols to help improve performance and health. This post will focus on one of the most foundational tools in improving power-endurance, acceleration, and mental toughness: Hill Sprints.
Read MoreIf you've been having a hard time maintaining your grip on your hang cleans, or have been feeling the fatigue set in on sets of 3's, a quick way to alleviate your issue is start using a hook grip. The hook grip is the go-to method of choice for every high-level weightlifter, and is only typically used on Olympic weightlifting movements (cleans and snatches).
Read MoreFirst things first: the classics never get old. Just like Led Zepplin and AC/DC, barbells and bumper plates NEVER go out of style. When you have both, there’s really not much else you need in terms of training tools—but if you’re jonesing to add something new to your training room, it’s easy to get bogged down by whatever latest Thing is new/fancy/trendy. When it comes to what’s best for your athletes, it’s hard to determine which tools will ensure you’re getting the most out of your time AND the most out of your money. Below are a few items I've found to be really worth the price and can be used on any given training day. These items are also incredibly accommodating to ALL skill levels and can fit the needs of your most advanced to your most rookie of athletes.
Read MoreRead how to become a WORSE athlete in 5 easy steps.
Read MoreWe’ve all done it. Let he who has never rushed through his warm-up—or just plain skipped it entirely—throw the first stone. I’ve been there, too. It’s one of those things we know we all should do before training, but the reasons why often get lost in the perfunctory nature of it all.
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