Top Volt Upgrades of 2020

Top Volt Upgrades of 2020

Did you know that Volt releases new upgrades to its customers every two weeks?

Now, each of these upgrades isn't always highly visible. Sometimes, "hidden upgrades" might include a tune-up of our code to help the app function faster or a refresh of our security protocol to safeguard customer data. But every-so-often, we get to launch big features that take months to develop and totally change the game for our users! This article is dedicated to highlighting features we released in 2020, that helped our users continue to improve their athleticism, job performance, and physical fitness in a year where staying healthy, going to the gym, and building strength has been more challenging than ever.

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Strengthening the Mind: Resistance Training and Mental Health

Strengthening the Mind: Resistance Training and Mental Health

A good friend of mine, who is a long-time collegiate strength and conditioning coach, talks about “neck down training” and “neck up coaching.” What he means is that we often focus on training the body from the neck down – arms, legs, core–for physiological adaptations like strength, power and aerobic fitness, but need to coach the athlete through motivation, confidence, self-esteem, positive self-talk, leadership, etc.

This neck up coaching alludes to sport psychology and behavior change–and again, how can we, as coaches, make athletes, clients, etc. believe in themselves, motivate them, etc. I think you see the point here. The mind is a powerful “muscle.”

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The Importance of Nutrition for Mental Health and Performance

The Importance of Nutrition for Mental Health and Performance

The significance of mental health has traditionally been downplayed, especially when compared to physical health and the need to perform well. Let me start by saying that this perspective can be very misleading. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. In fact, your mental health can greatly impact your physical health.

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Volt's Remote Training How-to Guide

Volt's Remote Training How-to Guide

At-home training. Remote learning. Virtual events. Zoom. Facetime. Google meets. We are now living in times that require alternative tools and strategies in order to reach the goals we have for ourselves and our athletes.

These ideas are based on the practical experience of hundreds of conversations with the thousands of athletes, coaches, and PE teachers that we serve each and every day at Volt, and the following article will briefly discuss each idea.

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USAFE-AFAFRICA Partners with Volt to Enhance Readiness and Fitness Culture for Airmen

USAFE-AFAFRICA Partners with Volt to Enhance Readiness and Fitness Culture for Airmen

We are proud to announce that the U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa (USAFE-AFAFRICA) has awarded a Department of Defense contract to Volt Athletics to deliver remote training to all U.S. Airmen stationed in Europe and Africa, in order to promote duty readiness and a world-class culture of physical fitness.

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Introducing Circuit Workouts

Introducing Circuit Workouts

We have major news #VoltFamily…meet Circuit Workouts!

As our lives have changed over the past few months, so have our fitness habits. Our At-Home programs have been so popular with athletes training at home, we added more variety and functionality to make them more effective long-term. With our latest release, you’ll experience a totally new way of training that’s hands-free, audio-guided, and fun.

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Visualization, Imagery and Enhancing Strength During a One-rep Max Attempt

Visualization, Imagery and Enhancing Strength During a One-rep Max Attempt

Many people have the misconception that a one rep max only requires brute strength. Experience has taught me that successfully completing a one rep max is a process that involves precision and focus. Your mind and body have to be perfectly synchronized in order to lift as much weight as possible. Any veteran lifter will tell you that if you show up with anything less than perfect harmony of mind and body, you will fall dramatically short of what you hoped to accomplish. Read more about one technique within the field of sport psychology that I believe can enhance this mind/body connection is imagery.

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Return to Training Calls for Individualization in Programming

Return to Training Calls for Individualization in Programming

In our last blog, we provided an overview of returning to sport post-COVID including both general public health guidelines and more specific strength and conditioning recommendations for a safe and effective return to training following inactivity. Here, we will further address a few general principles of returning to training.

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More Than Just "Working Out." Three Simple Periodization Tactics for Lifetime Fitness

More Than Just "Working Out." Three Simple Periodization Tactics for Lifetime Fitness

Many good-meaning people engage in some form of random ‘working out’ that is loosely focused on ‘strength’ or ‘cardio’. While well intentioned, human psychology is a tough nut to crack, and the majority will cease exercise for reasons that include a lack of variety, a lack of priority, or just simple boredom. It is time to re-think how you are going about your fitness.

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Returning to Sports Post-COVID: Where Public Health and Strength & Conditioning Meet

Returning to Sports Post-COVID: Where Public Health and Strength & Conditioning Meet

As we re-open America and return to what we have started to call “the new normal,” how do we go from at-home body weight workouts and driveway hoops (perhaps inspired by The Last Dance) to assembling with our team to practice, train, compete, and offer friendship? Or for the opportunity to be a spectator or a sports parent and experience the joy of sports?

This question is definitely the hot topic and being asked not only in the sports arena but everywhere else–restaurants, the entertainment industry, schools, the workplace, everywhere.

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